Container Gardening

Tomato plant from 2013

Tomato plant from 2013

I love eating fresh food, whether it comes from a farmers market, from a friend’s garden or if it comes from my backyard. I don’t do  full on vegetable gardening. I am more into perennial fruits and vegetables, like rhubarb and asparagus and into container gardening for the rest. I have done tomatoes, beans, lots of different herbs and lettuce in containers over the years. Some of those have worked well, others haven’t.

This year I will be getting more tomatoes, herbs and have started pole beans in two containers. The one that has sprouted is the one that will have purple beans. I planted the other one just a couple of days ago, it will have green beans, and don’t expect to see anything for a few more days yet. I have also been wandering around the garden and discovered that my asparagus and rhubarb are both off to a good start. Won’t get anything off of them for about another week or so as well. I decided to give them a head start so that we will have a real chance of having beans in the summer and not having to worry about frost getting them in the fall. I am also thinking about doing peas in a container as well.

Spring has been slow coming here, just like much of the rest of Canada, unless of course you live in parts of BC, so I am feeling really anxious to get going with things outside and plant some more containers. I am going to be heading to the garden centres soon to get tomatoes,  basil, cilantro, parsley, thyme, oregano and check out whatever else they have. Who knows, I may just get inspired.

Here are some pictures of the newly sprouted beans. I will be putting up a tomato cage in the centre of the beans so that they have something to climb up. I do think they will look rather lovely covered in flowers later in the summer.  They just make me happy seeing them.

Just sprouted pole beans

Just sprouted pole beans

What do you like to grow in containers? What has been successful for you? Or are you a traditional vegetable gardener?

Look there are leaves!

Look there are leaves!

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